Welcome to our website!
It is my great pleasure and honor to welcome you to the
Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy (MISE)’s
website. The key function of this website, is to provide you
with enough information on our Ministry’s services and
Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy (MISE)’s
website. The key function of this website, is to provide you
with enough information on our Ministry’s services and
Petroleum License
Petroleum Storage License basically about controlling the storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids (Petrol, Diesel and Kerosene) to ensure public
Building Permit
Building Permit is required for new buildings, extending existing buildings and renovations to ensure that all structures are in safe condition.
Water Alerts!
The public is informed that the drought is in level 1 since Jan 2019.
Our Role
MPWU’s Strategic Plan provides guidance for the delivery of the Ministry’s activities relating to national infrastructure development and provision of public utilities and services over the period 2016-2019. Activities are listed with key performance indicators (KPIs) and financial implication estimates to facilitate progress monitoring, reporting and evaluation. The plan has been aligned with the Kiribati Development Plan (KDP) 2016-2019 to enable the achievement of both sector and national aspirations or outcomes especially related to infrastructure and utilities. As such, it will prove an invaluable reference for development partners in aligning their assistance objectives with the Ministry’s activities. The plan, therefore, serves to complement and support the KDP 2016-2019 and similar development guidelines.
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