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Public Relations officer’s primary responsibility is to use all forms of available media and communication to build, maintain and manage the image of the Ministry of Infrastructure & Sustainable Energy (MISE). The department will communicate the work done by the MISE to the public in order to establish and maintain an understanding of the responsibilities and obligations that falls under the Ministry. It is also our responsibility to position the Department of Information and Public Relations as the main source for professional advice in all areas of communications and public relations. For an effective outcome, our department is committed to providing the public with timely information on MISE taskforce outcomes, the project’s progress and activities/events directed or organized by each division. Our communication goals are achieved through contacts with the Government Ministries, local media and the general public.

The department strives to accomplish the following goals:

- An awareness of the MISE’s policies and initiatives (advertisement & promotions)

- Easy public access to relevant and accurate information (print, website, press release, newsletter)

- Timely and accurate dissemination of information (Monthly newsletter)

- Improved understanding of the MISE tasks and services ((factsheets and website)

- On-line services via the MISE portals (website & Facebook page)

Department contact information

To make contact with the Department of Information & Public Relations contact information: Bentaake Kiima, Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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The Civil Engineering Unit’s (CE) main role is to provide technical advice, infrastructure designs, construction and maintenance, 

as well as, in collaboration with the Quality Control Unit and Cost Planning Unit, do costing and provide quality assurance for all 

coastal and transport infrastructure works. To be efficient in playing this role, the CE owns, operates and maintains a fleet of 

heavy vehicles, plant and equipment.

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Building and Furnishing Unit of the Ministry of Public Works & Utilities Section is responsible for the building of new buildings and the maintenance for existing buildings so it caters for all the upkeep of all Government’s Buildings in the Country especially on the main Island South Tarawa. This Section provides services to all concerned Ministries with their Buildings and Maintenance at different level of needs and deliver as and when required.

For information, please do not hesitate to call us on number provided above or simply send your email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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The Project Planning Unit of the MISE is responsible for the development, monitoring and reporting of MISE projects that do not

have their own project management unit. This involves assisting and working with other Units within the MISE and State Own

Enterprises (SOEs) with their project proposals, project finances and acquittals, development budgets and the inputs into the KDP

and MOP. This necessitates coordination and close liaison with the relevant government and, in some cases, donor agencies.

To do these, the Unit has developed the Ministry’s project and socio-economic database and updates it on regular basis.

The Unit also offers advice, briefs and training to MISE staff and SOEs on matters relating to projects.

The Unit is staffed by 1 Senior Project Officer, 1 Project Officer, 1 Procurement Officer and 1 Project TA.

Some of the projects the Unit has been or is involved with are:

  • Outer islands roads upgrading (Butaritari, Abemama, Tab. North and Nikunau) and maintenance (Abemama, Marakei and Maiana) including procuring of heavy plant & equipment to undertake these works.
  • Other outer islands infrastructure maintenance and repairs (Marakei, Abemama and Buota bridges).
  • Seawalls and coastal defenses for S. Tarawa and the outer islands.
  • Health and medical infrastructures such as the Meeria ward and rehab centre;
  • Desalination systems for more vulnerable communities.
  • Tawara and Outer islands water and sanitation programmes under the Water Scarcity/WASH project and STWSP.
  • Solar light kits for OIs and mini grids for OI schools.
  • Others,

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