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With this sub-division, the government (MPWU) process/progress would be a mistake.

However, the Account’s goal and mission for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy is to ensure that strengthen of internal control would be maintained regularly, such as the followings:


  • Safeguard the assets of the Ministry – reduction of material/financial loss

  • Check/enhance the reliability and accuracy of accounting/financial papers/data

  • Adhered to all managerial policies; NCS, Financial Regulation, Procurement Act and others

  • Prepare a transparent financial report to SecMPWU and others within the MInistry


Service and Contacts:-


Thus, for other information, further assistance and complains please call 75126192 during office working hours time or direct email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.and your call would be adopted/attended. 

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